Call for Contributions

The organizers welcome suggestions for contributions for the program of the 2020 QBI conference in Oxford. Please submit contributions for the QBI 2020 conference to by 15 April 2019.

Please make sure that any proposed speakers are entered on the QBI Society website as members and have preliminarily agreed to take part in the QBI Society membership directory.

For special sessions, minisymposia, workshops, panel discussions, etc., please include:

  • A proposed Session Title
  • A short rationale for inclusion and summary of the content
  • Titles for the individual contributions
  • Names of contributors and organizers, with affiliations and email contacts (please be sure that all possible contributors are registered in the QBI Society membership directory)

We are also interested in suggestions for individual invited speakers and topics for consideration for the conference.

There is considerable flexibility in the program and therefore we also welcome suggestions for novel types of events.

The organizing committee will decide on the proposals as soon as possible after submission.