The Quantitative BioImaging Society
The Quantitative BioImaging Society seeks to foster the scientific exchange of researchers with interest in quantitative imaging in biological and biomedical sciences. A particular emphasis is to promote interdisciplinary interactions between physicists, engineers, chemists, mathematicians, biologists, etc. One of the main activities to date has been the organization of the Quantitative BioImaging Conference that is held annually at different locations worldwide. We are actively working on expanding our range of offerings and are very interested to hear about ideas for future initiatives.
The QBI society is governed by a board of directors. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the furtherance of scientific research in the area of bioimaging, with particular emphasis on its quantitative aspects.
The Quantitative BioImaging Society is incorporated as a non‐profit organization in the state of Texas, US, and is recognized as a tax‐exempt, nonprofit, scientific charitable organization by US Internal Revenue Service authority under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3).