- QBI 2019 Conference
- Important Dates
- Abstract Submission
- Registration
- Confirmed Speakers
- Information for Presenters
- Program
- Conference and Program Booklet
- Workshops (pre-conference)
- Marketing Presentations
- Minisymposia
- Tutorials
- Pair Talks
- Exhibitors
- Social Events
- Meals and Refreshments
- Program Committee
- Sponsors
- Conference Location
- Travel Information
- Accommodations
- Local Attractions
- QBI Student / Post-doc Chapter Meeting
- Poster Presentation Award
- Past Events
The 2019 Quantitative BioImaging Conference will be held January 9-11 at the Le Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, France.
The official abstract submission deadline has passed. However, the submission system is still open. Abstracts submitted from now on may not receive full consideration anymore, but we hope to be able to still accommodate them until the program the finalized.
The idea for a conference on Quantitative BioImaging followed from the recognition that there is no conference to date that addresses, in a focused and interdisciplinary manner, the analysis of bioimaging data.
Resources for Attendeeds
Wifi Access
Sessions Rooms:
Network: couventdesjacobins
Connection time: 30 minutes
Foyer (Hall 1):
Network: QBI_2019
Security Key: QBI_2019
Registration is now open for the QBI 2019 conference. Click here to register.
Conference and Program Booklet is now available.
The tentative program schedule for the QBI 2019 conference is now available.
The list of abstracts accepted for either oral or poster presentation at QBI 2019 is now available. Click here.
Information on visas for traveling to France available. Click here.
Abstract submission for QBI 2019 is now open. Click here for the Abstract Submission page.